
Monday, February 21, 2011

Delinquent blogger!

Hi again! It's been so long since I've blogged...I feel a little guilty even though I'm sure nobody has been on pins and needles waiting for a new installment. :) The truth is, I've kind of hit a slump lately. Been in the doldrums, if you will. I don't know why, it's just hit me and I've been having trouble getting and staying motivated to do anything really. I so enjoy writing and stuff so I don't know why it's hard sometimes to do something you enjoy doing but at times, it feels like too much effort to do anything, even fun things. I know, I know what it sounds like and I don't want to hear it. It'll pass--it always does. I just have to tough it out for a little while and I'll feel better.

Have actually gotten some good news since my last post! As a surprise for my birthday, my husband and in-laws decided to plan a trip for us all to go to Disneyworld in May! I'm soooo stoked b/c I love all things Disney. (I don't wear cartoon-themed clothing or keep any kind of knick-knacks around my house that are Disney-themed or anything like that, don't worry!) Like most other folks, I just feel like a kid again when I get to the Magic Kingdom. I've been looking forward to going for myself but I'm really, really excited for my kids to get to experience it. I don't want to put too much pressure on them or myself but I just can't wait for them to see it! Not leaving 'til May so we have plenty of time for the anticipation to build!

Okay...not much else to say right now. Or rather, like always, too much to say but not enough time or space to do it in. Will try not to wait so long before next post and will try to perk up before then. Until next time...!

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